Maine photo journal: Wealden Farm

¡Buenas! Hoy os enseño la granja Wealden, donde ha trabajado Katie la mayor parte del verano. Es un lugar muy bonito y acogedor, desde la tienda donde venden los productos hasta los huertos enormes donde tienen las verduras plantadas. Venden toda variedad de productos, desde calabacines hasta queso pasando por el pan, la mermelada o el sirope de arce, y todo hecho en Maine, increíble. Los dueños son geniales, en cuanto los he conocido he sabido que eran buenas personas, e incluso he podido capturar a su hijo en algunas de las fotos jugando con un tractor de juguete. Espero que os gusten las fotos. xxx

Hi! It's time for me to share with you some pics of the Wealden Farm, where my sister Katie has been working for the past two months. It's a lovely and friendly place that invites you to know it profoundly, and that's what I did. I went through the fields and got to see all of the different vegetables they grow. In the shop you can find a great variety of food: zucchinis, cheese, corn, bread, jam and any other kind of vegetables you can think of (they are all Maine's produce). I've also had the opportunity to meet the owners (they are there every day) and I can tell they're great people. I even got to picture their son in some of the photographs playing with a toy tractor. Hope you like the pics. xxx


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